Welcome to the discussion …

… that I have every reason to believe will ensue.

Hello!  If you’re reading this post, odds are I have invited you to view it.  I have full confidence that this will someday become a truly public forum, but, for now, it’s us.

We’re here to talk about design.  Many of the most memorable moments in my career have been discussions with colleagues; conversations in assorted settings that have been incredibly inspiring, galvanizing even, propelling me back to the tools of the trade with the cockeyed excitement of a kid in a candy store.  I cannot imagine that this is a phenomenon that I alone have experienced.  Collaboration is one of the cornerstones of what we do, and gleaning ideas from dialogue an integral part of the design process.  So hopefully all of you have experienced that particular elation, and will participate with me in this venture.

I look forward to this growing.  Many of you have probably heard me talk about the need for some kind of design collective, an entity that brings us together and provides us with resources that individually we cannot support – conference rooms, workspaces, administrative assistance, sure, but also access to other professionals who may have a specialty that we need for a job but do not have.  I also feel that this design “ensemble,” for lack of a better term, will bring out ideas long laid dormant in each of us and get them out into the world.  It is difficult, sometimes, to find time to work on a personal project.  Paying work always comes first.  But, with this ensemble providing support, encouragement, and collaborators, hopefully those projects will be given the time they deserve and finally see the light of day.

This is my dream: to build an ensemble of designers who come together to do good work – for clients, but also for ourselves, and build projects that we own. You folk invited here are the most talented, smart, resourceful people I know; there is no reason why our ideas should not be out there, changing the world for the better.  So, let’s get to work on them.  the discussion starts here.  This is my personal project for the time being; to bring this entity to the world.

So let the discussion begin!  No topic is out of bounds.  Real, practical discussions of problems that are on your desk today; abstract thoughts, philosophies, notions; talk of books, influences, current trends; anything that is bouncing around inside your head looking to get out can be brought to the group.  I have a few seeds that I will be throwing out in the next couple of days; as I learn how to use this blog technology, the shape of this place might change, and hopefully we’ll be able to add videos, photos, sound, etc. into all these discussions.

Welcome!  I look forward to hearing from you.

5 thoughts on “Welcome to the discussion …

  1. Hi john;
    Thanks for taking the initiative.

    I am reminded to comment on a recent design experience that is somewhat pertinent to this forum.
    I just returned from Memphis where I designed ( my third production of this play) THE GLASS MENAGERIE. What is relevant about this incarnation of the design is that I also worked with a director from the Stratford Festival who also directed the piece twice before. I was happily surprised I could intrepret the work in a different way that seemed truer to my initial understanding of the work, and was pleased with the final product. AND I got a stronger sense of how to increase the amount of design work…that my “day job” presently is necessary to pay the bills, but my design work is what really feeds me.
    So .. that’s all i know…for now.


  2. Ditto: thanks for taking the initiative. I’ll look forward to reading your posts–and hopefully contributing to the conversation. This month, Chicago is offering us lots of opportunity to explore and discuss design; between NextFest and the Chicago Humanities Festival (which has 3-4 design/architecture sessions), we shouldn’t have to look too far for some inspiration. I’ll post a little something after I’ve attended those events. Until then, thanks for YOUR inspiration!

  3. I particularly like the idea of aiding, encouraging, brainstorming “projects that we own”: the day-to-day of client work tends, like a sponge, to absorb not only all the available time, but creative resources to push towards independent projects. I have you on my RSS feed now!

  4. I like the tone that you are maintaining in these postings. It has a clear silver quality to it. You are thoughtful and informed, but never pontificating. I am a firm believer in the everyday awe present in the life of the mind. John, you have some spot on abilities to cross reference and this is why I love you so. The Mark Devo-baugh photo, interpolated with Japanese design ideas: fertilization/thinking and seeds of change required here in this time. That is why I am crazy gluing myself to you. I too am a proponent of strange and marvelous bedfellows, and an ecstatic crosser of wires. Let us not trap our souls in empty ideas of perfection. Let the popcorn hop! Let each buttery bump be wonky as it needs to and oh so good.

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